A Running Orgasm?

My pole dancing class - a great core workout!
Just a warning. This blog post may not be suitable for younger viewers. Now that I said that, I'm pretty sure that if you're young (and especially male) you will probably keep reading because we all know that the "warning" is really just an opportunity for the young and impressionable to do what they do best - defy the rules. So if you're an innocent minor and you happen upon this particular blog post, don't come whining to me that I didn't warn you cuz I just did.

Now that that's out of the way, I have recently been intrigued by something I came across in some of the online running forums. There was a recent post in one of the forums by a young woman who happened to be having multiple orgasms while running on a treadmill. Now, you can imagine my interest! I'm all... hell yeah! I gotta google this shit out!! I was highly skeptical of course. It was cross-posted by a guy and it seriously didn't seem possible.

To be frank (and this may be too frank for some of you, so you're welcome to stop reading anytime) I had my suspicions of what could be causing this fortunate event based on my own experience. No. I'm not lucky enough to have ever been able to achieve this sort of "bonus" while running or working out, but let's just say that I have experienced some interesting "stimulation" while wearing the right underwear. So I'm thinking that the magic formula might just be the perfect thong panty mixed together with a good, consistent running pace and VOILA! you turn a good run into an even better run. I'm just sayin.

So I googled "orgasms while running or working out" and found something astounding. This shit was for real! And it even had a term. Coregasm. Yup. That's right. That's the cute word they use for an orgasm achieved during exercises that work the core. While its not exactly the "stimulation theory" I had come up with, apparently it can happen to women who have abs of steel. Not sure how the running chick achieved this level of a core workout by running on a treadmill, but by this time I had to keep researching. I think I need to work my core. I think I REALLY need to work my core.

So I feel like I'm back in physiology class during the sex ed talk. I learned that there are three main components of an orgasm:
  1. Nerve stimulation from 4 different systems - pelvic, pudendal, hypogastric and vagus
  2. Blood and oxygen to swell and stimulate the genital tissue
  3. Muscles that contract
Women who experience "coregasms" have all these components activated during their workout. The nerves are being stimulated by the core muscles that contract (specifically the rhythmic contracting of the pubbococcygeus muscle or PC muscle). And while exercising there is generally more blood flow and oxygen intake. The result: a big fat O.

So here's where I make yet another frank and personal confession. This past summer I took a pole dancing class. I thought it would be fun. It was a serious core workout. So now I'm thinking to myself... You know. I really should have taken more than just one class. Damn. 

Still curious, I checked out what kind of exercises would substitute for a good ol' fashion vibrator. Well apparently, the hanging straight leg raise, hanging side crunches and the single leg plank just to name a few. Yeah. I think "doing the fireman" could qualify.

Funny thing is, the timing of this discovery couldn't be more perfect. I've recently decided that I'm going to take a few weeks off from barefoot running and work on something I really should have been doing all along, strength training. Specifically, I'm looking to strengthen my quads, my hamstrings and now, most certainly (wink) my core.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


  1. I only hope that treadmill is not a must and outdoor running will do the same. I am definitely going to focus on core training more now. :)

  2. I think I want to keep the two separate. My husband already worries that if i had the choice between the two (running and sex) that he might lose out. (Not true BTW). But if I could achieve that during running, he'd think I didn't need him anymore! ha! ha!
    Good for you for focussing more on weight training for a while. That will keep the mind and body going for your little break! Runner's World had a nice total body work out program in it this month. I've done it twice this week and it's not bad.

  3. Now you're blogging on topics of significant importance, much like a local barefoot superhero I know. Good show! This is a topic worthy of much time and attention.

  4. bet she's glad it happened on the treadmill and not at a race or something :)
    This is REALLY USEFUL INFORMATION! My hubby really likes it when I have the big O so if I told him that it could happen from running he would push me to get off my arse more often and run :)

    This is a great coincidence since I am focusing on core work now too. I want my obliques to poke out again :)

  5. Hmmm. I'm surprised you only have four, make it five comments on this stimulating topic. I apologize ahead of time for where I sense I might go with this comment, but what the heck. You started it, Krista.

    Wouldn't it be interesting to see if you can confirm this information. This brings me to the Scientific Method. You know-Purpose, Hypothesis,Testing/Experimentation,Analyzing Results, and Hypothesis Verification or Not. A video would be a NEAT way of actually documenting the experiments, using different conditions.

    Anyway, I digress. Wait-I'm kind of stimulated by all this talk.

    Let's hope you don't get censured by Google. Ha Ha! What about guys though? Perhaps a wedgy would enhance things for us?? Hmmm.

  6. I'm a fan of footgasms, the result of quality time my feet spend with the ground and pavement on a run.

  7. Maybe this explains why about 80 percent of the people on treadmills at my gym are ladies.

    Also might explain why they turn the lights out in the spin class room...

  8. @Bob- Hmmmm. Hadn't thought about that. LOL!

  9. This kinda post is the reason I love your blog. It get's the blood flowin'.

  10. Wow. You certainly captured my unabated attention. And I have some serious ADD. Props, hahahaha!

  11. Hey there lady!! Did you get my email I sent to your work website?? I can be reached at barefootangiebee@gmail.com

  12. I tagged you on my blog! 7 random things!

  13. Fascinating, you should keep us updated on your progress..... For science.

  14. I came across this from a friend of a friend. I am fascinated that you found information on this. I had found I was able to achieve the O doing the hanging straight leg raises years ago, but had never shared it with anyone except my boyfriend. I thought it was strange and even he barely believed it was possible. This is great! lol

  15. @Meetmal -- you "came across this?" LOL

  16. Very nice blog! I have to share this with some friends!

  17. GET THE HELL OUT!!!!! I have never heard that.. holy moly!! LMAO!!!!!!!

  18. LOL! The hanging straight leg raises do it for me too...you are the first person I've told. Shhh...

  19. Hehehehe, I actually wrote a post about this SAME topic awhile ago...



  20. I am not a runner because this happens to me. It actually kind of hurts because the muscles in your legs cramp after and it makes it hard to continue running! I've tried to stretch and change the way I run but it keeps happening. I can have as many as five or six during the run or even a hard walk (especially up hill).

  21. Yep. Same thing happens to me. I thought I was going insane but apparently it's really common. Just started training for a 5k so I guess I'll train a little harder now.. Lol

  22. As a female runner I have experienced this often. It's always while sprinting during interval workouts, hill charges or really hauling after 10 miles on a difficult course. It's great, but also a bit embarrassing and I've learned to be prepared for it since it usually also comes with loss of bladder control. This is the first time I've ever said anything about it. Glad to know I'm not alone! I love running because it's stress management, and though the speed training can be ruff, this bonus is, well, just that.

  23. Im a guy and I can tell you its possible for us guys to have coregasms I get one while I run and I have gottin use to it I can tell when it is about to happeni just stop and take a breather and then keep on running lol I also get them while doing an ab routine believe me its addictive working out makes me feel awesome forget the illegal drugs natural endorphins will out do them any day natural drugs are more potent :]

    1. Sorry forgot to mention the coregasm happens on occasion when im stretching lol so anythings possible I think the more warmed up you are the better chance you have of having a coregasm so make sure to get warmed up before your run or workout it makes a difference :]

  24. Its a great reason to turn out a few more reps that's for sure :]

  25. This happens to me. It sounds amazing, but when you're training to run, it's irritating (though yes, it feels great). I cannot run when it happens, because my knees go weak.

    I try to desensitize by having fun beforehand, but it doesn't always work.

    1. I hear ya,It seems now when I get ready I mean just getting my running tights and gear on I get the endorphins lol I love it no aches and pains very addictive for sure as for running its got to the point I can control it I usually do pull ups and sit ups to get warmed up and then I do another couple of sets after my run and that's when the coregasm happens most of the time hahah who knew working out could feel so great :] have a great day

  26. I looked this up tonight because shockingly, I had a running orgasm yesterday while doing my new exercise routine. I didn't know it was possible but ohmygawd. Lol. I've been running for years (middle/high school track/cross-country) and forewarning on tmi, but since having my two children back-to-back, the big O is hard for me to achieve. I'm just glad it's real and I'm not nuts. (:

    1. Oh that's so awesome! Consider yourself lucky. I'm a little jealous.

    2. It feels great doesn't it what an even better reason to work out?:]

    3. I started taking a pre workout supplement and it has made having a coregasm inevitable now lol,No matter what excercises I do :] Running elliptical,Ab work it doesn't matter now but it takes a bit longer to achieve now I have to really work for it hahaha


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