Shame and Camel Toe

The Love Your Petals Project - The beauty of the Vulva
Yes. That's a vagina poster. Probably not something you would be willing to frame and showcase under gallery lighting in your home, but it has an irreverent beauty to it. Don't you think?
Speaking of vaginal beauty, I know this little bit of advice might come across as slightly unothodox and a little unfavorable to most women, but I'm just going to put this out there:  

Ladies... embrace the camel toe. 

It happens. Especially while running or at the gym. Everybody knows it happens. It happens to all of us at some point and for me it happens almost all the time ā€“ even in the most comfiest of gymwear. 

Even hot athletes suffer camel toe.
If you're in the middle of a circuit that includes running or anything like mountain climbers, groiners, jumping jacks, box step-ups, lunges, squats or basically any movement that requires you to separate your legs I guarantee that at some point you will feel an uncontrollable desire to yank your pants out of your crotch crack. And as if that deep floss feeling isn't uncomfortable enough, the problem is exacerbated with sweating and can create a whole "front-to-back" wedgie if you don't take matters into your own hands. 

Yeah. I get it. Literally.

It's not exactly a feeling that is easily "embraced" but I've learned to come to terms with this over the past few years. Some might suggest the choice of underwear is to blame for the propensity for camel toe, but I refuse to believe that wearing full coverage underwear would be more comfortable than a thong while running or working out. So in my personal defense of the thong, I'm ok with the floss-like feeling and would rather suffer exposing the outline of my womanly parts than to have to succumb to wearing an extra layer of suffocating fabric beneath my workout clothes while I'm doing an intense, sweaty circuit.

"Moose Knuckle" - Male Camel Toe
Ladies, I think its time we get over it. We're women. Everyone knows we're women and women have labia. Just like every man has a different size and shaped penis ā€“ hey... we aren't the only ones who have to worry about showing our goods to the world while we are engaged in sport ā€“ the labia are unique in size and shape to every woman and unless you've ever googled a "blue waffle" (WARNING: Google that shit at your own risk and don't even THINK about saying I didn't warn you) the vulva is actually a surreptitiously beautiful part of a woman's genitalia.

Honestly, what's the big deal about camel toe, anyway? Heaven forbid others see hints of our bodies that make us uniquely women. Really? Why are we so ashamed of this? Are we ashamed when people look at the shape of our breasts when we wear a t-shirt or what our butt looks like in jeans? HELLS NO! In fact, as women, we often wear clothing that accentuates those "assets" if we have them. Am I not right?

OK. I know... embracing the camel toe is a little like trying to be enthusiastic about finding a pube in your pasta. (Yeah. I went there. Sorry.) Its a little unsettling, but, I think its time we become less self-conscious about our bodies. Shame exposes itself in what we are afraid to reveal to others. It takes away a part of who we are. It deadens it and denies our value. So how do we take back the the things we are ashamed of and make them healthy and beautiful again? Well, without going as far as public nudity (which I highly recommend as a way of getting over body issues) I say we just embrace that which we can't control. In this case ā€“ the camel toe. I don't want to be ashamed of my body. I'm a beautiful, wondrous and remarkable human being... sometimes, with camel toe.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  


  1. No comments? I'll comment. I like a good camel toe. Seeing one makes me shiver. Men's opinions might not help here, but there's mine. Embrace it, in a snugly, loving hug.

    1. I've noticed more men than women are OK with camel toe, but I guess that shouldn't surprise me, should it? Ha! Men don't have to put up with that cavernous wedgie, though. Thanks for the feedback, Kev :-)

    2. No, true, we don't, and yeah, it certainly makes sense that more men are ok with it, haha. Duh.
      Our nuts are more annoying than we might let on, though. At least for this guy. I hate wearing bicycle spandex, but I do it anyway, hopefully to SOMEONE's benefit. :(

    3. Hahaha! I'm a bit partial to men in spandex (my husband rides) and I picked that photo of the guy up there for a reason. Um... well... TWO reasons. Ha!

    4. Oh I love this this blog entry! My camel toe and I have a daily relationship regardless of what finery I choose under my running garments (In Canada, we actually call it the homegrown name of Moose Knuckle). I'm usually good until that first pee and then there's no going back from that sweaty butt floss that just seems to want to wedge itself higher!

      Thanks for the brutal honesty, makes for a refreshing read. Love the poster, had to force myself not to look away and just enjoy it for what it is, the uniqueness of women.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love the's very true. I also love that poster, which I've seen before.

    I would also like to add that I agree with you about being ashamed and learning to give up negative body image feelings.

    I would suggest a visit to a Nudist will get over body issues very quickly at one, when you are around others who will accept you in whatever shape, size, or color you are.

    And you touch upon something I've often noticed...the manner in which a woman reacts to her situation in regard to having camel toe...or for that matter nipple protrusion (headlights)...can set the tone for how others react.

    I'm not saying that people are not responsible for their own actions, but that a woman can definitely influence others behavior and establish boundaries by her own demeanor.

    If she is aware of her camel toe situation and acts self consciously about it, I think sheā€™ll draw unwanted attention. If she acts like its perfectly normal, which it is, then others around her will probably not react and definitely not care.

    Wellā€¦thatā€™s my two cents on the subjectā€¦

    1. Richard - I think you're totally right about how we react to a situation sets the tone for how others feel about it. Years ago I went to a resort that had a clothing optional area, but sadly never took my clothes off there. I was a much different person back then. Since then, I've made it a goal to get over that hang-up and I've done really well. I'm glad to say I am NOT that person anymore and I'm proud of who I am now - with or without clothes. I've also worked really hard to get this far, both mentally and physically and finally feel right in my own skin. I'm just sad it took me so fucking long.

  5. Perhaps you've hit a nerve on this topic from some women's perspective. I noticed the comment removed from Kim. I would assume Kim is a woman, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I enjoy your humor and frankness in your posts even if it makes others a bit hesitant. It's refreshing. I do occasionally wear running tights and don't feel too self-conscious. What was that-moose knuckle-Ha!

    1. Hi Ken! Good to see you on here! Actually I saw Kim's post and wondered why she removed it. She seemed pretty cool about the topic and had a sense of humor too. I like that. But not all people are comfortable posting in a public forum. I'm always open to constructive criticism of my more "dubious" posts and encourage people to post whatever their thoughts and feelings are on the subject.

  6. It is what it is and people who get bothered by it... are just a drag on the rest of us, right? I mean, I'm not out to offend anyone, but enough already! Get a sense of humor, learn to love and laugh at the whole human condition, and let us get on with our recreating and good times without all the hang-ups and judgments.

    1. I totally agree with you there, Jim. :-) "Learn to love and laugh at the whole human condition..." You are SO right.

  7. Camel Toe is "Hawt Nouveau" , IMHO. I only hope it is not a fad, cuz quite frankly it hints of yet one more beautiful and natural aspect of the female body. Gustave Courbet obviously had this figured out when he painted my favorite masterpiece, 'L'Origine du Monde' (google warning for those not comfortable viewing female genetalia). Finally, I think the author is spot on about cleansing your psyche of unwholesome feelings through nudist experiences. Viva La Vag! and...Stay thirsty my friends.

  8. I love cameltoe and I admire women that shows it without any problem. This is very sexy.

  9. 1693021F9ETheodore1BF8B1AEE0November 26, 2024 at 8:00ā€ÆPM

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